Monday, March 29, 2010

UNOs, watch out for slaughter spinoccoli

For anyone who doesn't know, I am an Unos pizzaria junkie. It was "our
place" when Steve and I started dating, and even without the
sentimentality, their spinoccoli pizza is heaven on earth. Last night,
I decided to try my hand at homemade deep dish. Gotta say, it turned
out pretty amazingly tasty! The dough still needs a little work, and I
need a remedial math class (two 8 inch pans does NOT equal a 14 inch
pan) so, the crust was ridiculously thick. But, at least it tasted good!

We have an Unos here, but it's an hour away in Mayaguez. I have been
known to risk life and limb to drive there just for lunch. If I can
nail this recipe, we just might save a tremndous amount on gas...