Thursday, January 19, 2012

WOA, nelly!

And then THIS picture, to show that there's a whole lot that's different from 6 months ago!

Speaking of things that take some getting used to...

Steve took this picture of me tonight to remind me that from certain angles, I still look like the same person I did 6 months ago...

Some things take a little longer to get used to...

Steve and I went out to dinner tonight, but we had to make a big ole U-Turn in the middle of the road when I spotted this tree. This is a block from our house. I remember, as a child, setting off Cherry bombs at dusk to scare starlings out of Gramma's tree. That seemed normal. I'm not sure I have the kahunas to try and scare a bunch of peacocks out of the tree. I KNOW I don't have the nerve to stand under this tree at dusk... I'm sure there will be bombing, but the gooey, gloppy kind, initiated by the birds at the target on my head.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Two for tea

Full moon splendor

Spectacular moonrise

I almost got him in my pocket

Made me miss Nermil!

Two chipmunks in hand are better than...


Coppin' a squat

Top of the world

Between a rock and a hard place

And very happy to be there!

Coolest cabin ever!

These were built by the CCC and are pretty amazing!

Part mountain goat.

I'm not quite as scampery as my boy these days!

The perfect shelter

Soft, sandy bottom and a good chimney. Perfect

And bigger hidey-holes

Hidey-holes everywhere!

The cheesy sign picture

Proving we were all there. All 2.5 of us...


We spent yesterday at Valley of Fire - and it was a glorious day all the way around. Perhaps the crowning glory of the day, however, was being swarmed by chipmunks. Because, no matter what, any day spent covered in chipmunks is a good day :-)

The latest Spud-o-graphs

We had another ultrasound on Thursday, which means new pictures! Unfortunately, this ultrasound tech didn't do quite as good a job of capturing the stills; in fact, most of the ones she saved for us are of silly things like, my fibroids and her taking arm measurements. But, here's a couple for your viewing pleasure anyways...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Spud on the run

At 21.5 weeks, there's pretty much no denying there's a baby on board any more! This was before yesterday morning's run - and we're still hanging in there! Though, technically my runs are now on an elliptical or climber, since that means less jostling for someone who has a small creature using my bladder as his own personal waterbed. It also means I can station myself by the locker room door - just in case he decides to do some calisthenics along with me.

New kitchen sink

Santa's 6'4" Elf

Installed the new kitchen sink Santa left for Steve! We both think it looks spectacularly better; not only does it go with everything else in the kitchen now, but it's not beat, banged, and scratched all to pieces like the old one. Plus, Steve did a bang-up job of re-sealing this one, so no more leaks under the sink from the bad install on the first