Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Justin!

Justin turns 31, and our kitchen was visited by a tasmanian devil. All, caught on film. Was great being back home and catching up with friends. Even better when we discovered late last night that Steve has met his match in Justin when it comes to Crimson Skies. Leslie and I, of course, dominate the DDR scene.
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Friday, August 28, 2009

Summer in the Caribbean

So, this is what happens when you turn off the air conditioning, seal
up the house, and leave town for 5 weeks in a Caribbean august.

We're keepinig it as a Dali-esque sculpture.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Boston - adieu for now

What a fantastic city...

Sweetest mug

Sumo wrestler

This image made me snort... The little figure on the bicycle
handlebars is a sumo wrestler trying to pull himself up, and with the
Harley in his sights, it looks like sheer optimism!

Tempting fate

This is a great spittin' fountain! We'd watched kids and big kids
alike play in the jets all day. Steve tempted fate and ran through
while the squirts were resting...
And was applauded by the family sitting on the other side


I love how much he's glowing:-)


Two years ago, steve and I took pictures Under this same arbor - it's
amazing how much it's grown!

Boston nights

It coludn't have been a more perfect night - was about 75 degrees with
a warm breeze blowing. Heaven. After dinner, steve and I went walking
through the market and the waterfront. I love this particular spot -
there are always so Many people out and about

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cheers to Boston

Luis and my boy, full and happy on lobster rolls, with a Johnny Walker
blue label, toasting a lovely Boston afternoon.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Miami digs

Wow - not a bad morning view! We're smack in the middle of the art
deco district of south beach, which means I'm in heaven. We had a ball
walking up and down the streets of rainbow-lit cafes and restaurants
last night. What a fin place!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Off to college

With every store around here packed with "off to college" goods and
kids, I had to chuckle when I came home this morning and realized that
it looks exactly like I'm sleeping in a dorm room again. No space, on
the floor, in a sleeping bag. Coleman Flocked Queen Inflatable Airbed,
you've served your purpose well, but after 2 weeks and two trips to
the chiropractor, I'm looking forward to deflating you and crawling
(up!!!) into our lovely stuffed, coil-supported pillow top MATTRESS!!

(but incidentally, isn't the color of the walls here in the den
splendid?! Weeks of sneezing plaster dust and painted eyebrows was not
for nought)


Our friends got a wonderful, glorious, warm ball of fuzz and
exuberance this week; Mia, the baby Golden Doodle. Between Mia and
Bitty, the worlds coolest Jack Russell, i'm finding myself quite
smitten by puppy love.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This is a test for Mom

Can you follow NOW?! :-)

Hm. Looks like we're still sending notes

The technology's just changed a bit since the three of us were doing
this in elementary school

Old reminscing and new beginnings

Heidi and Molly - 10 days old. Heidi and I have known each other since
we were about this size ourselves.

This one's for John and Elaine!

I took a break from painting for the past two days to go blading' and
running in one of my favorite places: the Loveland Bike Trail. This is
a shot of my favorite swimming hole, and I love the way the clouds
look billowing up.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Downright creepy

Yet so intriguing. This guy came all the way from Kansas and his car
is covered; COVERED in teeth, toothpaste, dentures, and toothbrushes.
The headless dentist mounted on the top is an especially nice touch..

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Park on bike trail

St Louis bike trail

We were really smitten with the bike trail in st Louis - this is a
park that they're building - I thought it was great! It runs through
the old industrial part of downtown and along the arch park and
waterfront. Quite nice. I stopped and talked to a guy on a bike who
said it was slated to be part of a trail that runs from Minnesota to
the Gulf of Mexico. Pretty cool!

Rock house

Rock house brewery

Location to come in next shot...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Luna moth liberation

Luna moth

Steve also found a Luna moth. The coolest thing about them are those
antennae, but unfortunately, it just didn't want to focus on them

Another baby found while bush hogging

I've never found a terrapin that put up this much of a fight - she
kicked and stayed out swingin' the whole time I was holding her.

Baby lizards

Baby lizards

Baby lizards!

Steve uncovered a pile of little baby lizards while he was bush
hogging the woods this morning. I was enchanted, and they won my heart
when they all piled up on my hand in the sun and got sleepy.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Chiggers Suck.

That's all I have to say about that.