Saturday morning, we got up and went to the water again with Justin and trusty spear guns in hand. Alas, still no joy on the fresh fish for supper venture, but I had a really fun day of finding critters. There was a lot of big sediment in the water, which you'll see in the pictures, but I'm not complaining! In the first picture, I drew a clumsy arrow pointing straight to a pretty big puffer fish. These guys love to hide up under rocks! Unfortunately, this was about the best picture I could get of him; the water was surging, my camera is painfully slow to focus, and I still have the world's most buoyant butt. You put all those things together, and it's a wonder I get any focused free-dive pictures at all. I love the faces on the puffers - they've got HUGE blue eyes, and their little mouths kinda look like they're giving you a shy smile. They just look sweet.
The next two pictures are of something not-so-sweet... I found yet another lionfish. This guy was about the length of my forearm. In the first picture, if you look just to the left of the fish in the center of the shot, you can see his spines sticking out of the crevice he likes to hang in. The next picture is the best I've got of his whole body.
And then the last 2 pictures are of a great cowfish. I just love these guys too - they look so
unlikely. The first picture is looking down on him so you can see how funky his shape is; they're like flying deltas. Second picture is one of many I took of him glamming for me. Usually, they won't let me get too terribly close. This guy all but swam into my camera a couple of times, and just hung out with me, putting on a little dance. Very cute.