Saturday, September 12, 2009

I missed the bird...

So, I walked out of the front door yesterday afternoon and was greeted
by the prettiest bird song - kind of similar to a red winged
blackbird. I looked up in this cluster of palms in our front yard and
found him - it was one of those beautiful bright orange birds. (one of
these days, I'm going to figure out what they're called) he cocked his
head and looked at me while I was pulling out my camera, then flew
away just as I was aiming. Bummer. But I thought the afternoon sun on
the palms was still pretty, so there you go.

You can see that these guys are covered with seeds - and they spit
them all over our front walk. Getting to the front door is somewhat
treacherous these days - it's like walking on marbles. Or like being
on one of those big roller conveyor belts that brought you cool stuff
from Service Merchandise. Only without the belt :-)

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