Sunday, September 27, 2009

Home again

Steve and I came back home Friday night. One of the great things about
flying into and out of Aguadilla frequently is the fact that you get
to know the flight crews that always bid the trip. This Friday, one of
Steve's favorite captains worked the flight, so we ended up hanging
out with them as soon as we got into own. Yesterday, steve and Mark
(the captain) went diving - I snorkled, since I'm still trying to kick
this stupid sinus sniffle. We introduced Mark to the Blue Hole, where
he found a 7' moray swimming freely in one of the caverns! I got a
huge kick out of watching Steve swim in and out of the hole 30 feet
below me and sign to me what the eel was doing. For the record,
laughing into your snorkel will produce spluttering.

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