Thursday, September 10, 2009

Clear clear water

This morning was spent conversing with the fish - and what a grand morning it was! With the exception of a couple of divers and one spear fisher, I had the entire beach totally to myself, and it was some of the cleanest, clearest water I've ever seen. These pictures were actually taken around high tide, and I can't believe how sparkly it was. I usually wait until low tide takes all the sediment out with it, but there was no need today. It was a lot of fun to be able to swim through places that are usually poking up out of the surf. There is always an east/west current, and I typically start out swimming into the current because it's so much fun to ride it back. It wasn't too strong this morning, but if you suck in your tummy and shimmy over some of the shallower reef, you can do a little bit of zookin. This morning, while drifting through a little channel lined with fans, I got goosebumps of happiness - I am so grateful to be here in such a truly beautiful place! Life really is good.

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Withy Brook said...

Amazingly clear water - very envious

Martha said...

I agree, I'm envious. I'm also glad you are able to be having this new experience.

Tracy said...

Steve found some new underwater scooters to replace the ones we stripped the gears from (oops) so as soon as he gets home tonight, we're headed back out to do some diving. I can't wait to try them out! It really has been spectacular lately. Can't wait to show it to you soon!!!