Friday, February 11, 2011

Old Year's Resolutions

I think that mid-February is a little too late to qualify for "new year's resolutions" but it is definitely time to try to revive this blog now that we're a little more settled and back on the mainland.

I'm just now starting to download and look through some of the hundreds of pictures we took during our last month in Puerto Rico, so there's a pretty good chance that I'm going to go back in time and post some of the best ones to this blog... eventually. But for now, let's get current with some pics from yesterday.

When we first checked into our temporary housing, I was a little bummed because this room didn't look out on the strip like last time. But, the view out our window is really starting to grow on me. Not only do we have a spectacular view of the mountains, but watching the sun rise every morning is pretty great. Especially since, as far as my body is still concerned, it's rising at 10:00 am! Sweet! The first few mornings, I had a strangely disoriented feeling as I watched the world lighten up, and it took a couple of days to figure out why. Even though we're facing due East, I was watching the western side of the buildings in front of us start to light up and twinkle with orange light. If the physics classes didn't take, then years of art classes definitely taught me that this is an impossibility! Except of course, in Vegas. The high rise towers in front of us reflect the sun beams perfectly on the western face of the shorter buildings, making it look like the sun is rising in the east and the west. See? Time really can stand still :-)

The other cool thing about our view is that it looks directly out on the airport. Fun to watch Steve take off in the mornings. This is Justin and Steve, climbing out directly overhead.

It ain't a bad gig.
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