Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good God Almighty


Steve got me to walk all the way out to the orchard to see this wolf spider - that thing is a monster! In the first picture, he's rearing up on his back legs to attack; we were both pretty tickled at how ferocious he looked. That's a LOT of spider.
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Unknown said...

oh I hate wolf spiders!! We had them many times in our old house. When we removed the old water pond from the front of the house there was a mama with hundreds of tiny babies on her back. they all scattered. it was the beginning of lots of bad dreams!

Betty said...

You can have ALL of the spiders. I have TOO many here in the house. I am going to spray for them next week. I have "lace" all over the place!

Tracy said...

I'm not exactly a big fan of the arachnids either! Ick! Fortunately, I haven't found any of them in my house... I'm forcing myself to leave them and their webs up in the back yard though because we've got such a ridiculous crop of mosquitoes hatching right now. It's either give blood, or deal with the 8 legged monsters! Decisions, decisions, decisions...