Friday, September 16, 2011

Yesterday morning

This was what greeted me yesterday morning. Beautiful, low ceiling, and a damp chilly morning that felt just like Easter.

I completely enjoyed my few hours in Albuquerque, but didn't so much enjoy leaving. It seems ABQ, lime so many other places, loves giving you one and only one highway sign. In this case, I got one sign to get on I-20 S, then, a mile later, discovered that the tiny little road crossing the rickety bridge was strangely enough, the unmarked ramp to said interstate. Traffic was a mess, and crossing 4 lanes to get turned around was not an option. So, I drove on, hoping to find a calmer spot where I could perform the U turn my GPS was madly insisting on. A few miles down, I managed it, and even worked my way into the proper lane to get the ramp he second time. Only to find that ramp was inaccessible from my current direction. Apparently, there were three ramps (at a minimum) and NoW the southbound ramp was on the same side of the road as the northbound. I. Of course. Was again four lanes on the wrong side.

It took me 25 minutes to get off that stretch of road and out of ABQ and the GPS very nearly launched through the windshield.

Sometimes, that thing just needsto learn to shut up.

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