Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Golden Ticket

Today, I met Karla and her daughter Paola at one of the well- known chocolate factories in Vegas. From the hype in the tourist info, it's a must-see. And, while we were there, tour busses came and deposited their hoardes. However, we three were a little puzzled as to what the big deal was all about. I was expecting a golden ticket, a chocolate river, and a tour by an Oompa Loompa. However, all that awaited us was a long hallway with a window that looked down on a lot of conveyor belts (not being used at the time) and some workers milling around. Willy wonka was nowhere to be seen. I was, however, smitten with the cactus gardens on the grounds. Would have taken a few more pics, but 112 degrees put it out of Paola's "fun zone". I did snap this just outside the cafe though. I love the patterns!

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