Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Partry on the Pier

We watched the shuttle launch from Jetty Park, and we decided to go all the way out to the end of the pier to claim our perch. The down side is that we were out of earshot of the radio com broadcast, so we didn't even know there was a problem at launch until Laura texted (thanks!!) but, it was a good group, and we had good entertainment watching the pelicans and turtles and rays and... lots of fun critters. Steve snapped the picture of me when I was returning from my hour-long bathroom jaunt (oy - had it been just a little warmer, I would have jumped off the end of the pier and all problems would have been solved in 60 seconds). You can see that the pier was crowded, but not overly so, and the people were awfully nice. And, I loved the sand shuttle this girl had made on the beach. I was kind of amazed that there were so many people hanging out on the beach... it was downwind of the rocks where about 500 pelicans roosted and man, was it foul. Fowl foul.
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