Thursday, March 31, 2011

Can I get a hallelujah!?!

Ok. So. It's been a LOOOOONG time since I've updated this. That's because it's been a looooong time since we've done anything other than drive every single road in Las Vegas and search every single MLS site for southern Nevada, looking for a house. Suffice it to say, securing adequate housing in Vegas has proved to be a bit more of a challenge than we bargained for. A few of you know that we backed out of the offer for the house that I posted pictures of after the owner countered 30K higher than the most expensive house in the neighborhood. We need a house, but we're not crazy.Plus, we had several "backup options." We affectionately nicknamed all our favorite houses; "Three Fires," "Sequoia," "Horse Paddock," "Zen Garden".... and we lost our (very reasonable) bids for all of them. The real low point came when we were outbid on the one called "cat pee." I kid you not, a panther had turned the downstairs carpets into his own personal, extrodinarily large litter box. We had to leave all the doors open to even be able to walk through the house. But, we bid on it anyways, knowing we would have to hire homicide cleanup to rip out all the flooring before we could even go in the place. And. We were outbid. Twenty four hours after the house went on the market.

There was one house we'd gone to see about 3 hours after the listing hit the internet - so soon that the asset manager for the bank hadn't even changed out the locks on the doors. That took another 3 days of waiting - and multiple obsessive-compulsive drive-bys by the little blue Corolla. When we finally saw that the locks were different, we set up an appointment with our realtor for 3:15. We showed up then, as did another woman who was waiting for HER realtor. Come to find out, her realtor was also ours, when our realtor showed up at 4:00 and we both went to greet her. Awkward. Now, the worst part of that encounter was not knowing that the house that we THOUGHT we were seeing before anyone else was being looked at, not by just another person, but by another person using our realtor. What are the odds? There must have been 60 other people looking at it too?! The REAL kicker was talking to both of them, and learning that the other woman had put in a very good offer on a house that week, only to have the bank counter 30K above asking price. Good gracious - is that going on everywhere???

Short story - we put in an offer that night for that house. We just got a call from realtor that our offer was accepted. HALLELUJAH!!! It's a totally nice house, with a pool that is bigger than the one in our Marriott Hotel. Pool big enough that we can stay current on our dive certifications.

Now, here's the catch: we found our absolute, positive dream house the same day we submitted the offer for the house that was accepted. We also wrote a really good offer on it later that afternoon. We'll find out what happens with that one tomorrow. No matter what, we still have a really amazing house to fall back on. But, I have to say, both of us are kind of hoping for our dream house. We'll see how this shakes out.

No matter what - we are definitely celebrating finally having an offer accepted on a house that doesn't smell like death :-)

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