Monday, January 20, 2014

Cowboy Cave


Cowboy Cave, a set on Flickr.

Saturday was a beautiful day for a hike and our friends Beck and Tony got a good group of people together to go climb up to and explore Cowboy Cave. It's on the opposite side of the road from Red Rock, and what a treat! I'd never even looked at that side of the road, but the steep vertical canyon walls made for an absolutely beautiful trail. The cave was unbelievably elusive; I would never in a million years have found it if I hadn't been with someone who'd been before. The opening is halfway up a cliff face and hidden behind a large wall of rock. At first glance, it just looked like a small crack between rocks, but once you lower yourself down, you find yourself in a HUGE atrium. Crawling through more "gaps" leads you further and further down into the cave. We explored about 5 or 6 separate rooms, and just had a great time crawling around in the dirt.

Steve, Logan and Dillinger stayed at the base of the trail… but of course, the Spud is still my favorite photo subject. I love the quality of the light in the late afternoon out here. It's just magical.

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