Sunday, March 25, 2012

Meeting the little guy

Unfortunately, he wasn't being overwhelmingly cooperative when we went to get our 3d ultrasound - he pretty much stayed balled up te whole time, so there was either a foot, a hand, or an umbilical cord blocking his little face. This ended up being the best of all the shots we ended up with. The tech said she would try again on my next regularly scheduled ultrasound, so I may have some more in the future.

All the same, how amazing to get to see him for the first time, and put a face to all those little nudges and kicks (and some not so little!) I can't get over how chubby his little cheeks are!

In his pic, his little hands are both kind of to the left, his head's kind of laying on the placenta to the left, and the umbilical cord is the glop on the right of the picture.

We're both kind of in awe - and j just can't quit looking at this picture :-)

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