Monday, July 18, 2011

Non stop

So seriously, how in the world do you EVER live through a move when you are working full-time and/or have kids? I've got about 16 hours a day to devote to this, and it's been over 2 weeks now, and it's still enough of a disaster that this is the only picture you're getting for now.

Here was today: return antenna that didn't work. Pick up another antenna that was guaranteed to work. When it didn't, wait on hold with manufacturer to be told it really wouldn't work. Package it up to go back. Return coffee bought last night that we were QUADRUPLE charged for. Go to pool store to find someone who will come fix our leaking (spraying! Geysering!) pool pump. Find out it's covered under home warranty (yay!) and make new appointment with approved pool fixers. Cancel old appt. Buy pool shock to compensate for reduced pump running hours. Put up 19 million cleaning products purchased yesterday. That took so much time, I couldn't use them, mind you. Washed and folded 4 loads of laundry. Started weather stripping doors. Steve fixed leaking toilet, as well as broken stove exhaust (hence, the picture) and hopefully, before the night is done, hang thermal curtains.


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