Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thanks, Mom!

Well, here's about how things are going. Thanks Mom, for making it seem a little funnier!

We are back to square one on buying a house. About 15 minutes after posting pictures yesterday, I got a call from our Realtor saying that the seller pulled out of the contract. We knew that the pool equipment had been stolen (the DAY we looked at the house, as luck would have it) and we were waiting on it to be replaced to have the home inspection. Apparently, yesterday, they found that whoever vandalized the pool did about 16K worth of damage. The bank was unwilling to sink the money into fixing it. So.
There you go. We're going out looking again today. Because, all of those 125 houses we've already looked at? Yep. They're under contract already.

Frustrating. So. Poo in our faces yesterday, but today's a new day! I am reminding myself that things happen for a reason - so I will choose to believe that all 6 of the houses that have now fallen through would have been Money Pits or had evil neighbors, or a raging poltergeist, and I will choose to be optimistic that the perfect house is out there waiting for us. And I will hope we find it today :-)

Living in Puerto Rico was a wonderful experience in teaching us how to scale back. Following that by more than 2 months in a hotel is, well, hammering home a point.

1 comment:

Andy Shupe said...

I'm with you, you probably avoided disaster so far with the houses that have fallen through. The latest one probably has some sort of infestation or something. The right one is in the wings.