Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2011 everyone! It's been a long time since our last post; several months on the road, impending move, and a computer virus all add up to not much time in the way of taking care of this blog. I hope to catch up a little here and there, but lest I don't, I wanted to share some of our New Year's celebrations.

This is our first party of New Year's Eve, at Danny's house somewhere around 11:30, watching Arlene's Mom and sisters work the twist. It's worth watching all the way to the end, just to see how tickled their grandson gets watching the fun!

It was the start of such an amazing night - such good people. I dont' know if my stomach hurt more from waaaaaaayyyy too much food, or from laughing so hard. Either way - it was happy!
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