Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My boy!

It had been looking a little like it might build a thunderstorm when we went into the water, but it was bright sunny, the clouds were a long way off, and it was still early in the day, so we didn't think too much of it. From the bottom of the ocean, I was keeping an eye on the changing light, and even though it would get overcast, it was sunny more often than not. Thank goodness Steve decided to surface, just to see what the sky was looking like. The next thing I knew, he was banging his tank for me to come up. I was blinking the sunlight out of my eyes when I broke the surface... and just as a lound peal of thunder rumbled directly overhead. What the hell? I turned and looked at the beach, and THIS was what had grown in the 30 minutes we were in the water. I don't think either one of us has ever swam faster to get back to shore!
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