Monday, May 10, 2010

Flame Box Crab and Flounder

We keep finding these crabs this week - they're pretty neat critters! Like I mentioned in an earlier post, they scrounge up the sand and scoop all kinds of little critters up from just under the surface. We've since discovered that where you see a box crab, you will find at least one flounder. The first time we saw it, we assumed that the crab was trying to eat the flounder. Nope. In fact, if you separate the crab from the flounder, it will race to catch back up with the crab. I'm assuming that they must eat whatever the crab stirs up and leaves behind. We have one picture of the crab, and a whole line of flounder behind it. It's really hard to see the flounder in that picture though, so I'm posting 2 where it's much easier to spot the trailing fish. In the second picture, you can see the flounder is all but touching the crab.

The last picture is of a really big flounder we found under a rock. He's about the size of a serving platter. I've been using a preset levels adjustment to color correct most of our underwater photographs; in this particular case, it added too much red to the pic. This particular fish's markings were really bright and bold, but they're not quite this pink. I wanted to post the picture anyway, so you could see just how pretty they really are, as well as why they call them "peacock flounder"!
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